
Human Resources Training

Our human resources training is designed to help you gain important ways to manage your employees and further develop their skills. Being able to work together as a team, without the friction that can occur in any workplace is important. What are the goals of your organizations? Have you thought about proper goal setting and how to achieve them? Do your employees have the skills and knowledge to identify issues with violence and racism in the workplace? We have designed online HR courses to help you create an environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Learn more about proper business ethics, stay compliant, and create a truly inclusive workplace with these online human resources training courses.

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Acting Effectively on a Team

This Acting Effectively on a Team online training course was designed for all employees and supervisors. This course will help you contribute more effectively to your team and help your teammates do the same. It will expand your understanding of the challenges teams face and what you can do to overcome them.

Biais inconscients

Ce cours de formation en ligne Biais inconscients a été conçu pour les employés, les superviseurs et le personnel de la direction. Ce cours expliquera les biais inconscients, leur incidence en milieu de travail et les mesures que l'on peut prendre pour les gérer et pour encourager la diversité et l'inclusivité. Avec une meilleure compréhension des biais inconscients et de leur origine, vous pourrez prendre des mesures pour résoudre les biais individuels et faire de meilleurs choix et de meilleures connexions.

Board Behaviour

This Board Behavior online training course is designed for new board members and other employees who aim to become board members. Working as a team is challenging, and it is no different when it comes to an organization's board of directors. Group cohesion in vision, mission, and action is critical. A high-functioning board trusts each other while being unafraid to face challenges together to achieve a common goal. This course highlights how to overcome issues in board dynamics, which will enable boards to be effective and efficient.

Business Continuity Planning: An Overview

This Business Continuity Planning: An Overview online training course is designed for employees in all industries with responsibilities for maintaining business functions and processes. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a comprehensive strategy to ensure the continued operation of critical business functions and processes in the event of disruptions or disasters. Learn about identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, assessing their potential impact on business operations, and developing strategies and procedures to mitigate those risks and maintain continuity.

Business Entertaining

This Business Entertaining online training course is designed for all employees, especially client-facing teams, who want a better understanding of business entertaining etiquettes involving serving and consuming alcohol. Professional etiquette can be confusing when business and pleasure are mixed into a social situation. However, there are some rules and guidelines you can follow to make a good impression and not jeopardize your position at your organization.

Business Finance Basics

This Business Finance Basics online training course presents information about the fundamentals of corporate finance. This course will give you an understanding of the basics of corporate finance in easy-to-understand terms and appreciate more fully how your work activities can and do affect the financial health of your organization and business.

California Pregnancy Disability Leave 2012 Updates [California-oriented]

This California Pregnancy Disability Leave 2012 Updates online training course reviews the pregnancy disability leaves laws prior to 2012 and describes the most recent changes made to pregnancy disability leave regulations in the state of California. This course is intended to keep you up-to-date with the most recent changes made to pregnancy disability leave regulations in the state of California.

California Workplace Violence Prevention - For Employers

This California Workplace Violence Prevention for Employers online training course is designed for employers in most workplaces in California. Learn about employer obligations under Senate Bill (SB) No. 553/ Section 6401.9 of the California Labor Code, including: developing and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP); maintaining a log of all incidents of workplace violence; and training employees on the legislation, the WVPP and the violence hazards in their work.

Cómo llevar a cabo reuniones efectivas

Este curso de formación en línea Cómo llevar a cabo reuniones efectivas está diseñado para los directivos y para cualquier persona que dirija reuniones. En este curso, revisaremos las estrategias que lo ayudarán a planificar y llevar a cabo reuniones efectivas y a tener resultados visibles.

Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace

This Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace online training course will show you how creativity and innovation can be made to work. As you move through the various sections, you will begin to see how an overall framework, processes, methods and techniques can make creativity and innovation a valuable asset, not only in the workplace but for the organization.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace [US]

This Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace online training course is designed for employees, supervisors and employers. To achieve success in a global marketplace, it is essential to understand and appreciate the significance of a diverse workforce and integrate inclusive practices into the organization’s work culture. In this course, you will learn the benefits of promoting diversity, the barriers to change and how to promote diversity in the workplace.

Diversity in the Workplace [US]

This Diversity in the Workplace online training course is designed for all employees, supervisors, and employers to raise awareness about demographic changes and the benefits of diverse teams in the workplace. This course teaches about the science of unconscious bias, how to recognize and resolve it and move toward an inclusive work culture.

Doing Performance Reviews

This Doing Performance Reviews online training course will explain the benefits of the performance review process and provide three strategies to make it easier and approach it with confidence. A performance review is a great opportunity for you and your employees to develop a positive working relationship, clarify expectations, and improve productivity.

Effective Leadership

In this Effective Leadership online training course, you will have an opportunity to explore essential leadership skills. An effective leader knows how to mentor employees as they take on new projects and strive to grow professionally. This course will teach you the skills of effective leadership, how to motivate employees, overcoming negativity and how to coach employees.

Email Etiquette

This Email Etiquette online training course is designed for all employees and explores the best practices for using email effectively and efficiently and presents five principles of good communication that will improve the quality of your email and ensure that your messages have the desired effect. Learn how to format an email; strategies for managing email; and how to apply the principles of good communication to email.

Employee Performance Recognition

In this Employee Performance Recognition online training course, you will learn the skills of recognizing employee performance and giving positive reinforcement as they are key elements of motivation. As a leader, you want to provide this positive reinforcement because it creates a work environment where employees can be motivated to do their best.

Empoderar a su gente

Como líder, se espera que usted delegue gran parte del trabajo a otros. En este curso, examinaremos cómo puede usted desarrollar relaciones y empoderar a las personas que usted dirige.

Empowering Your People

In this Empowering Your People online training course, you will examine the process of motivating and working with people that you lead and building relationships with the people you lead. This course will discuss the use of motivation to inspire in the workplace, how to identify techniques for working with people and how to understand how to use incentives and discipline.

Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action

The Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action online training course was designed for senior management, human resources managers, and supervisors. This course will give you an introduction to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) and present employment practices that will help you comply with the EEO/AA requirements.

Equitable Treatment: A Guide for Supervisors [US]

This Equitable Treatment — a Guide for Supervisors online training course is designed for employees in a supervisory or management role. This course provides an overview of equitable treatment in the workplace and the laws that prohibit discrimination. The importance of equitable treatment is emphasized as an approach for ensuring that all employees within an organization are provided with an equal chance to succeed.

Establishing Performance Goals and Expectations

This Establishing Performance Goals and Expectations online training course is designed for employers looking to establish goals and expectations and employees wanting to meet those requirements. This course has tools and methods for collaboratively establishing goals and specific performance criteria for all employees. There are tips to help you obtain commitment to your goals and methods to help you review performance goals regularly.

Ethics and Conflicts of Interest

This Ethics and Conflicts of Interest online training course is designed for all employees. This course will encourage you to reflect on the ethical questions we all face and give you a process for arriving at good ethical decisions. The objective is to help you deal with similar situations that you encounter in your job.

Ethics for Employees

This Ethics for Employees online training course will guide employees through business ethics. This course will encourage you to reflect on the ethical questions we all face and give you a process for arriving at good ethical decisions, explain the importance of doing business ethically, identify the ethical issues, outline ethical decision making and recognize ethical responsibilities.

Ethics for Managers

This Ethics for Managers online training course explains what business ethics means and why initiatives to develop and maintain ethical cultures in organizations are more important than ever. Managers need to know how ethical business practices can prevent wrongdoing in their organizations and how ethics can help employees make good choices.

Flexible Work Arrangements and Your Organization

This Flexible Work Arrangements and Your Organization online training course was designed for all organizations. This course will cover the recommended sections of a flexible work arrangements policy and will provide you with a thorough understanding of how to develop and implement a flexible work arrangements policy that fits your organization.
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